Theatre Thursday 3/31/16

Theatre Thursday 3/31/16

March 31, 2016 in Theatre Thursday

Piggy backing off of yesterday's mention of Youtube's Collider Videos, every week Collider hosts a show called "Jedi Council." Incase the "Jedi" didn't give it away, the show’s about Star Wars. I don't know why I began watching the show to begin with but, once I did, I was hooked. SciFi heroin.

Until I began watching the show I considered myself a latent Star Wars fan. I had seen all the movies, I read a book once as a kid, but I never really got that into it. I never even owned a toy and toys signify a mental attempt to inhabit the world. 

I liked Star Trek a great deal, I watched all the shows, I read multiple books, and I owned many toys. I even decorated my Christmas tree with ornaments related to the franchise. I was a step short of attending conventions only because I also have a dominating frugal streak that creates a problem with justifying the expense. That and I'm not overly emotive or really a "convention"al person. I enjoy observing as much as I enjoy participating. But that's neither here nor there. The point is, that I was not, am not, the convention type. But, while I could entertain the idea of some sort of Star Trek convention, even long ago, I couldn't even comprehend the idea of ever attending any type of Star Wars one.

My attitude changed though after I began to watch “Jedi Council.” I watched people I could relate to, people I enjoyed hearing, display actual knowledge. They were fans but they were inclusive too. They didn't exhibit any of an "us vs them" mentality. Their affection for the topic infected me and it awoke my own interest. In some super cheesy way, just as the force awoke in the films, the force awoke within me as well.

Watching the show poured gasoline on my spark of interest. Although I still wouldn’t consider myself a diehard fan by any stretch, I would consider myself a legitimate fan now. 

Heck, based on their vehement recommendations I’ve even watched all of a series, "Star Wars Rebels" on Disney XD. I’m such a legit fan I watch a cartoon Disney show AND THEN I watch a recap of that cartoon back on Collider. Nerd alert! But now I also think, “cool guy alert” too because I could see others unabashedly liking what they liked. They were cool with them and I'm cool with me!